Profession: General Practitioner
Age: 37
Real names have not been used in this post in order to protect individuals’ security.
“We treat anybody regardless of their identity.”
Dr. Nour, a general practitioner, works at a field hospital in Syria near the Turkish-Syrian border. She and the hospital are at constant risk of attack from aerial bombardment and car bombs. Sadly, she has first-hand experience with both. There have been five separate attacks on the field hospital, despite the many military targets in the area. In addition to dangers posed by the regime, Dr. Nour explains that she and her colleagues also worry about the self-declared Islamic State, which has threatened and kidnapped doctors.
During a car bomb attack in her hospital’s parking lot, Dr. Nour recounts hearing the first explosion and then shaking uncontrollably – and feeling unable to face the resulting horrors and injuries. She describes how the windows shook, and she knew the horrors that would await her in the emergency unit. Despite her hesitation, a dedication to treating those in need trumped her own fears.
Dr. Nour’s decision to study medicine stemmed from a realization that she could use her skills to help people – something she considers “the greatest thing in the world.” While she is happy with her career choice, she has also felt extreme burnout and trauma from all the patients she has treated and war wounds she has seen. She says, “I forget. I am nervous. Sometimes I lose hope… I think that death is very near to me.”
The full article continues at http://physiciansforhumanrights.org/library/multimedia/syrian-doctors-dr-nour.html on Physicians for Human Rights’ website.
Physicians for Human Rights is a steering committee member of the Safeguarding Health in Conflict Coalition.