Security, Safety, Wellbeing, and Motivation of Health Workers in Difficult Contexts

Friday, October 25, 2013
At the Third Global Forum on Human Resources for Health, a session will focus on the security, safety, wellbeing, and motivation of health workers in difficult contexts, including conflict, extreme poverty, and other emergency situations. It examines the necessary enabling environment as well as measures for the protection of health workers from violence and from exposure to health risks and psychological and emotional trauma.

Third Global Forum on Human Resources for Health

Friday, September 27, 2013
IntraHealth International is cohosting the Third Global Forum on Human Resources for Health, which is sponsored by the Global Health Workforce Alliance under the patronage of the Government of Brazil, the World Health Organization, and the Pan American Health Organization. The theme is “Rising to the grand challenge of human resources for health.” IntraHealth is managing a vital subtheme of the forum: “empowering health workers.”